A Word from our CEO


End of Year

The end of 2021 is approaching and it is worth reflecting on how extraordinary this year has been, full of challenges, but also opportunities and advances for our dear CDRJ. It is gratifying to see that together we went through changes and learning, we improved processes, overcame difficulties caused by the pandemic, executed projects, and obtained great results. As the company's CEO, I know that there is a lot to do, but I cannot fail to praise the steps taken so far, nor to thank everyone who collaborated in this journey of overcoming and achieving achievements.

The company's growth throughout this year is a source of pride for all of us, as well as the performance of our ports, which have registered records in terms of movement and billing. By improving governance practices, promoting financial balance, and significantly improving port infrastructure, the company not only fulfilled its role as Port Authority, with responsibility and professionalism, but also stood out in the Brazilian port sector and gained market credibility.

Our goals would not have been achieved without the watchful eye and dedication of our administrative and operational teams, and I thank each of the employees, interns, young apprentices, and outsourced workers for their technical competence and commitment in the performance of their duties. I am also grateful for the confidence of the Federal Government and for the support of our major partners in so many actions, especially the companies that lease the terminals, the port operators, the Brazilian Navy, and the regulatory agencies, among other institutions.

In 2022, we will continue firm in our intention to conclude priority projects and develop the company's self-sufficiency. With the modernization of waterway and land accesses increasing the efficiency and safety of operations, our ports are increasingly competitive and attractive to new ventures, with a likely increase in revenues. We know that, even with the progress of the COVID-19 vaccination center in Brazil, it will still be a year of obstacles because of the global economic crisis, but I am sure that we are strengthened and motivated to face adversity and achieve more victories.

During this time of fraternization with our families and friends, may we value every moment, celebrate life, and renew our hopes. May God bless your Christmas with much health, peace, and love, and may He inspire us with courage and enthusiasm to fight for the fulfillment of our dreams. May the new cycle be one of hard work, accomplishments, joy, and unforgettable moments!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



